Nokia Lumia 800 and Windows Phone 7.5 first impression from a usability perspective

By Johan
December 19, 2011
1 min read

End of November I attended the MobX Conference in Berlin and became a lucky winner of a brand new, in Sweden not yet released, Nokia Lumia 800. Short summary of MobXCon in Swedish. The first Windows Phone 7 release from Nokia with the new "Mango" 7.5 OS version. In this post I will try to summarize my experiences from using the Lumia hands on.

Just to give you some background info of my previous smartphone experience. I bought a iPhone 2G 2007 and used that for more than two years, have had a iPhone 3GS after that, used a HTC Desire for about 9 months and right now I am using the Lumia and a iPhone 4S.

Unfortunatly its not possible to screen dump on WP7 (unless you developer unlock it for $99 and side load a 3rd party application) and I honestly believe that it is a big draw back for users not to be able to share screen dumps and spread the word about WP7. But I will try to illustrate my examples with some images from the official Windows Phone templates PSD. (more…)

Tagged: design · GUI · lumia · Nokia · UX · Windows Phone

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